厚研吾尺 Most of Hou's profile

〈Goodnight & Goodbye〉movie poster

為了「自我追尋」,導演啟程尋找他1997年作品《在高速公路上游泳》(Swimming on the Highway)的主角。路途迢迢開了20年,盤踞內心的幽靈始終揮之不去,然而突發的事件,令刻意遺忘與逃避的種種瞬間浮現眼前。無法收拾的矛盾心情,從既虛亦實的假象中不斷浮出,不知為何開始,也不知何時結束。

About film
To "self-seeking", the director set out his journey to look for the protagonist of his work "Swimming on the Highway" in 1997. He’d been driving all the way to here for 20 years, the inner contradiction which was between two of them was lingering in his mind. However, unexpected events had caused the moments of deliberate forgetting and escaping to emerge instantly. The contradictory mood that couldn’t be cleaned up emerged from the illusion of virtual and real constantly, he didn’t know why it just happened and when it will end.

運用駕駛座上方大量的留白,模糊化車內與車外的界線,營造一個虛實交錯的地帶,象徵個人內在與外在環境的交互影響,同時透過螢光綠呈現開放式的想像氛圍。最後,將片名放在破格的後照鏡上方,像是往前的同時,看著後照鏡告訴自己:「Goodnight & Goodbye!」

About design
Using a lot of blank-leaving above the driver's seat to blur the boundary between inside and outside of the car to create the intersectional zone of virtual and real. And it symbolizes the interaction between the inner of the individual and the external environment. Meanwhile, through fluorescent green presents unconstrained imagination. At last, leave the title on the review mirror, as if while moving forward, also looking at the review mirror and telling “ Goodnight & Goodbye!”
〈Goodnight & Goodbye〉movie poster


〈Goodnight & Goodbye〉movie poster
